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Servizi logistici basati su tecnologia all’avanguardia, soluzioni innovative e servizio clienti eccezionale
Per noi di Expeditors, 十大正规买球平台的发展与核心业务战略的发展是相辅相成的,而十大正规买球平台的发展与核心业务战略的发展是相辅相成的.
About Us
Eccellenza raggiunta grazie a forte esperienza nel campo, servizio clienti di alto livello e tecnologia all’avanguardia
Case Studies
一家大型医疗保健公司需要一种成本效益高的运输方法,可以不断监测货物的温度. Read how Expeditors utilized their real-time tracking solution and established routing options that capitalized on their network of temperature-controlled providers.
A British footwear brand’s rapid expansion plans in China were compromised by product labeling issues and a lack of visibility into their inventory. 看看Expeditors是如何彻底改革他们的分销模式,使他们走上快车道的.
A luxury goods company was overpaying customs duties and experiencing a negative impact to its brand due to a service provider’s shortcuts. 看看Expeditors如何帮助公司重建品牌,每年节省100多万美元.
An industry-leading developer, manufacturer, and innovator of digital storage solutions was experiencing service failures with their current provider and wanted a logistics partner who could help reduce costs through a consolidation program. 了解Expeditors如何实现一系列全面的解决方案,包括系统之间的集成, secure service, and customs brokerage.
A large oil and energy customer needed a timely and cost-effective solution to transport a Telescopic Joint (TJ) to Korea for installation on an oil platform. Learn how Expeditors leveraged their extensive global network of service providers to get this massive shipment to its destination.
数十亿美元的全球领先的包装和包装解决方案十大正规买球平台正在扩大他们的产品供应. 了解Expeditors如何帮助该公司扩大其全球采购和制造足迹.
一家零售商发起了一项全国性的项目,以改造其在美国的百货商店.S. locations with a very a tight timeline. 阅读Expeditors的全天候地面服务和灵活的解决方案如何帮助客户按时完成产品的推出.
See how Expeditors leveraged the right data to help a Latin American import company process shipping documents more efficiently and avoid penalties.
一家全球零售商经历了太多的海关审计,部分原因是缺乏可视性. 了解Expeditors的海关经纪服务如何为复杂的海关情况带来清晰度和效率.
One of the world’s largest specialty retailers has a global supply chain with vendors and manufacturers across the Europe and Asia continents. Learn how Tradeflow’s integrated suite of web-based supply chain applications linked vendors with the products to improve consistency and process efficiency.
A heavy equipment manufacturer with more than a dozen plants making products sold in over 100 countries was having difficulties meeting service levels. 了解Expeditors如何协作记录和优化流程以节省时间, increase accuracy, and improve visibility and communication with stakeholders.
一家跨国医疗保健公司来到Expeditors,其使命是改善周期时间,遏制螺旋式上升的成本. 看看Expeditors的隔离船计划如何为公司节省了六位数.
一家汽车制造商被其物流合作伙伴造成的供应链中断所困扰. 看看Expeditors的特定十大正规买球平台经验如何使它们恢复到最佳性能.
When an industry-leading global aerospace company needed to ship giant tail sections of its heavy-lift aircraft halfway around the world, it called on Expeditors. See how our experts met the herculean challenge.
一家西班牙服装制造商认识到设计的力量,当它涉及到Expeditors的扩张计划. 看看我们的供应链解决方案,把公司放在北美地图上.
Reducing costs and achieving customers’ expectations is imperative. See how Expeditors helped an importer consolidate shipments and cut expenses by integrating their order management systems with the customer’s transportation system.
A large oil and energy customer needed a timely and cost-effective solution to transport a Telescopic Joint (TJ) to Korea for installation on an oil platform. 了解Expeditors如何与航空公司合作伙伴一起移动巨大的114,000-pound shipment and achieve large cost savings.
一家大型服装零售商希望减少最后一刻的运输成本. 看看Expeditors是如何利用结果映射(OM)数据和多模式程序来帮助它做到这一点的.
A Port Angeles, Washington, 造纸厂的经营者已经准备好从巴西和比利时运来的重型设备. 请参阅Expeditors的解决方案,以交付总重量为116公吨的特殊尺寸货物.
一家财富500强的医疗设备公司需要一个新的战略,以扩大未来的销售范围. See how Expeditors’ solution not only took the company to the future, but also saved it millions of dollars.
Expeditors helped a large-volume retailer streamline order management through multiple distribution centers with a surprisingly simple solution.
一家高科技制造商要求Expeditors开发一个供应商管理的库存程序. 了解Expeditors的端到端解决方案如何提高可视性并降低总体成本.
一家大型全球零售商需要一种更快的方式将产品从工厂运送到商店. Expeditors在美国实施了“最后一英里”(Final Mile)直接递送解决方案.S. to do that and more.
两个竞争对手看到了整合为一个全球品牌的巨大机遇. See how Expeditors helped the new company realize that opportunity with cost-effective solutions across all major segments of its business.
一家亚洲个人护理产品制造商正努力跟上快速的销售增长. 该公司求助于Expeditors来帮助维持库存和提供高水平的客户服务. Read the plan.
A Qatar-based conglomerate with a fast-growing retail division was stumbling under the weight of a complex inventory and product mix. 看看Expeditors的物流服务是如何让公司重新站稳脚跟的.
一家总部位于英国的服装零售商需要为其国际特许经销商提供更好的履行解决方案. 阅读关于从Expeditors定制的解决方案,这是一个完美的适合客户.
The financial success that companies have achieved through a ‘fast fashion’ strategy has led other apparel retailers to seek to imitate their business model.
Solutions for a high-tech threat
5 things importers should know
See how ISF fits with other initiatives and systems
Programs for us importers
Original bill of lading or sea waybill?
Watch how 227,000 lbs was moved over 1,400 miles.
Discover how Expeditors is enabling a leading retailer to deliver their merchandise timely and cost effectively to retail partners in 35 countries.
Our global distribution capability is integrating supply chains throughout the world delivering flexible order fulfillment and value-added services across a range of industries and activities.
Intra-China trade is constantly growing. Our presence in North, 华中和华南地区的设施齐全,可以满足您的所有运输和物流需求.
We're hiring! See what a career at Expeditors in Sales could look like for you.
We're hiring! 看看你在信息服务部门的职业生涯是什么样的.
Shanghai is the financial and logistics center of China, on account of her advantageous location, halfway between Beijing and Hong Kong.
Expeditors Project & Energy Servicesmoved two gas compressor modules weighing over two million pounds - each the equivalent of 152 African male elephants.
Located within central Germany and Europe, 法兰克福是欧洲大陆最大的金融中心和主要的交通枢纽.
Our London office is a cornerstone of our European operations.
向欧盟客户销售商品的公司需缴纳增值税(VAT)。. Having a tax representative also allows an importing company to take advantage of VAT refunds without having a company registered in the European country of import.
Leading-edge core technology and systems set us apart.
Find out more about Expeditors Carrier Allocation.
Curious about Expeditors? 这段概览视频让我们深入了解我们的服务产品和超过16个无缝网络,500 employees and 322 locations around the world.
Forms and Downloads
The antiboycott laws, administered and enforced by the U.S. Department of Commerce under the Export Administration Act, were adopted to encourage, and in specified cases, require U.S. 公司拒绝参加美国不批准的外国抵制活动.
A set of standards, measures and rules introduced and controlled by the United Nations Convention against Corruption that all countries can apply in order to strengthen their legal and regulatory regimes to fight corruption.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention establishes legally binding standards to criminalize bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions and provides for a host of related measures that make this effective.
International Maritime Organization's (IMO) information about the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code for the transportation of dangerous goods by sea.
U.S. Treasury Department information about economic and trade sanctions enforced by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) based on U.S. foreign policy and national security goals.
Expeditors strictly prohibits its carriers, representatives, agents and any other person or entity that handles an Expeditors' shipment from utilizing or otherwise dealing with any Specially Designated National (SDN) or prohibited vessel as designated by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the U.S. Department of Treasury.
A link to the actual U.S. export regulations commonly know as the EAR
U.S. 海关及边境保护局有关海关-贸易反恐伙伴关系(C-TPAT)的资料. Through this initiative, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) asks businesses to ensure the integrity of their security practices and communicate and verify the security guidelines of their business partners within the supply chain.
Download our guide to INCOTERMS
小于集装箱装载(LCL)可以引起几乎任何组织的关注. Delayed shipments or a lack of visibility throughout the supply chain can take a toll on the company and can result in lost sales.
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